Tuesday, November 29, 2011

katakana literary works final


    祭りの日  On the day of festival 
    花火の姿    Beautiful fireworks there is
    ピカピカだ  Dazzling and shining


     あの子の目   The man's eyes
     キラキラ光る Glimmering and twinkling
     美しい       How breathtaking



    夏の晩   Summer night
    大雨が降る A hammering rain pouring and
    ガザカザだ Swishing

For the first three はいく, カタカナ is used as onomatopoeic words.


   誰かの手   Whose hand
   私をなでる Is stroking me gently
   うちのハハ Ah, my dear papa

Here ハハ is used for emphasis.I want to express surprise and happy when I find it turns to be my father who is stoking me.


   ココに停め!Stop here 
   赤い字で書く Says the red warning sign
   ポスターに    On a poster

In this case, ココ is also used for emphasis. Stop! Do not go any further.
ポスタ is a loan word, which comes from the English word "poster".

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