Monday, October 24, 2011

Katakana Analysis Draft

The following are several examples I find.
1. Though loan words from ancient Chinese are usually written in kanji. For loanwords from modern Chinese, katakana is used.
Source language
Oolong tea
barbecued pork
a form of dim sum
siu maai

I think the reason why this is the case is that the modern Chinese words can not be well or correctly understood  by Japanese people. The kanji Japanese people are using almost keeping their original meaning in ancient Chinese, while we Chinese add a lot of new meanings to Chinese characters. Even though some words are written in the same way, we have different understanding with Japanese. A simple example, "勉强" as kanji in Japanese it means study, however in Chinese it means “force somebody to do something he'/she does not want to do”; totally different meanings! Given there is no advantage of understanding for use kanji in these loanwords, I think katakana is more convenient for reading.^^ 

2. Katakana are also used for emphasis, especially on signs, advertisements, and hoardings. For example, it is common to see ココ ("here"), ゴミ ("trash"), or メガネ ("glasses").
Words the writer wishes to emphasize in a sentence are also sometimes written in katakana, mirroring the European usage of itlics.

3. ヒフ科("dermatology"). 
Some difficult-to-read kanji are written with katakana. For this example, the kanji is "皮膚科". The second kanji is rather complicated and difficult to read. Thus this word is commonly written as 皮フ科 or ヒフ科, mixing kanji and katakana.


    1. oh my! That is so interesting!! if you take べんきょう (勉 and 強) they do have that meaning of force. I just looked up "to study" and in Chinese, it said "研究” which means "to research" in Japanese. And then I looked up "to research" from Japanese to Chinese and it stayed the same. So does that mean that there is no distinction between to study and to research in Chinese? What is the word for when you sit at your desk and memorize a lot of information, or application of concepts as opposed to research? - すぎもと

    2. I also noticed the different meanings of 勉强 in Chinese and Japanese -- it's really interesting to see how the meanings of Chinese characters have changed over time (especially those derived from usages in classical Chinese) after becoming re-situated in a Japanese lexicographical context. It seems that mixing kanji with katakana produces the most optimal possibilities for understanding difficult words, and I agree that this is an important use of the katakana script.

      加油 :)

    3. Very interesting!
      How about the ways different textbooks explain katakana words? Are they the same or different? Are there any katakana words that cannot be categorized into the way the textbook does? How would you explain those words?

    4. Woodlandcreature さん、こんにちは。
      ありがとうございました for your comment.
      Yes, you are right. 強 in Chinese has the meaning of force sometimes when it comes to word like "强迫". However, the 強 alone will be understand as "strong".

      Of course, study and research is different in Chinese. Study means learning, like by studying Japanese you know how to speak Japanese. After study, you know new knowledge.
      Research means a deeper study,if you research Japanese, you do something like analysis the evolution of the language.:)

    5. Huixinさん、こんにちは。
      ありがとうございました for your comment.
      I think you have the same feeling with me:)
      For Chinese, we can understand what we cannot speak, and we can speak out the katakana and hiragana even we do not know the meaning of the words at all.
